Sunday, September 15, 2013


Bloody Sunday! No, not like that, but, just another day.  I have finished quite a bit today, and yet, I feel like there is still so much that I could be doing and getting done.  I have a sewing project that is one step closer, but, now I have to start cutting things out.  Should be fun. 

I crawled into the shower this afternoon and seemed to have gotten lost in my thoughts.  I used to read to Thomas all of my posts, and he would tell me what he thought of them.  Now, I just write and if I think it would interest him, I tell him about it, and if not, I just don't even say anything about it.  It's not that I think he wouldn't be interested in what I have to say, I think he thinks a bit batty.  Which is ok with me... I am.  My thoughts wandered for a while, and I thought of that restlessness that I seem to get on some Sundays.  I have yet to decide why this is, but, I hate it when it happens. 

I am not one that thinks it's cool to move frequently, but, I have this restlessness about me when I don't get to travel like I would like to.  I have sailed the seas, seen many different places and cultures and really, what's most interesting, is the United States.  I would like to be able to see more of it, and the more that I thought about traveling, the more I wondered if I am the only one who ever feels like this after the traveling has stopped.  I know that I can't be the only one.  Staying in one place is great for family life, and it provides such a great stable foundation for kids, but, I wonder.  I miss seeing new things, and being new places.  I like moving and trying out different things for life.  I am not saying that I would like to move to say, South America and see if I could wing it there, but, maybe to a house, with lots of pine trees and a creek... green grass, sunshine, yet gets snow.  I don't know, once again, I am too tired to really put thoughts together in a manner that anyone other than myself can truly understand...  Could be from not sleeping as good as I would have liked, but, oh well...  Tomorrow is a new day, and I love new days!  Any day I wake, it's already doing good.

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