Tuesday, January 29, 2013

What do you want?

So, last night, I was lying in bed and I was having a hard time falling asleep.  I think I was awake for quite a while before I just got up.  I thought about getting up and trying to rearrange my shoes in the closet, and then, I wanted to get up and watch a movie with Thomas.  In the end, sleep won out after a while and I was able to go to bed. 

I was thinking about some of the things people do when they can't sleep.  Mostly, I know that Kelsie and Thomas like to watch movies and clean.  Well, I know that Thomas likes to clean.  When I lived in California, I know that they used to prescribe medical cannabis for things like insomnia, anorexia, depression, anxiety, migraines, chronic pain, glaucoma, and a various array of other things. 

And this got me to thinking about what would I like to do when I can't sleep... I just lay there and hope that sleep comes.  Sometimes it works, sometimes it really doesn't.  If it's really bad, that's when I get up to go to the bathroom and get some water... it's a bad thing when I can't sleep because I usually have to be up early the next morning. 

And this all brings me to a question that was asked of me this morning... What do you want?  In life in general? At work?  Of my car?  My career?  Where do you want to live and what is it that you want of life?  Hmmm... That's a toughie really.  First of all, I want my car to not break down every year when it gets cold.. Like 0 cold.  I want to have a reliable vehicle.  I was thinking the Subaru XV Crosstrek.  It's got heated seats (not that I need those), all wheel drive, good little car overall.  Even reviews of this car are good... So then, I tell the universe that it's my car, how are you going to get it to me? Second, I would like to be paid what I'm worth... and for the work that I do, I'm worth a lot!!! Thomas says that I'm talented in what I do, and while I would like to think so, I just don't want to get too big of head.  I can't let my ego get the best of... I'm just thankful that I get to do what I went to college for and I really enjoy the work that I do.  I keep thinking, after last weeks lunch with the Chamber of Commerce for the town of Snowflake, I could be the best speaker ever!!! After all of the feedback that I have been getting, it makes me think that I could do that! I'm a great speaker, just give me a microphone and away I go... I want to live somewhere closer to the ocean.  I miss the water so much, it's so nice to be there and listen to the waves hitting the sand, makes my heart feel peaceful. 

What do I want from life?  I have a fantastic man that I love very dearly and am so grateful for him each and every day.  I have two wonderful girls that I get to hang around and love and help them to grow up into beautiful, well adjusted women.  I have a home that is comfortable and safe to be at.  I have great health and so does my family, for the most part.  What more could I ask for... I would say that I have everything that I need.  Even if my car isn't running today, doesn't mean that it won't be running very soon... I want Arbor/Res care to compensate Thomas for all damages and losses that have happened in losing his medical report.  I want Publisher's Clearing House to come to my house with a big check for $10 million.  I want to win the lottery and come away with about $75 million...

Why do I want the money you would ask... I want the money because I can do things with it that I can't do right now.  I want to build a rollerskating rink and indoor skate park for the youth and young at heart in my community.  I want to build a homeless shelter and soup kitchen for all members of the community who are down on their luck and need a place to sleep and eat.  I want to give vets and non-violent felons a job who want to work.  Every one makes poor choices and sometimes, all you need is someone taking a chance on you and giving you the opportunity to shine once again.  I want to be able to send my girls to the college of their choice without wondering if I'm going to break the bank in the process.  I don't want them to start out in life sinking in student loans.  It's just ridiculous.  And, I want to travel when it's all said and done and I can take a vacation to where ever I want to go... and I want to see it all.  I want to start with the country that I served for.  I want to start in DC and Philadelphia and see where it all started. 

I want a lot it seems, and though it's a dream at this point, I know that I'm destined for greatness.  I haven't quite figured out how this is all going to happen, but, I know that it will.  I have faith that great things are in store for me... It's just a matter of keeping the faith that Universe will bring it all to me... The Universe will bring it all to me, I have asked for it.  I have the best part of it though, already, it's all going to be at home tonight, by 7 pm, I imagine. 

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