Thursday, January 17, 2013

I have thoughts...

It seems every night before I go to bed, I think about this that I would like to put out there for other people to think about as well.  In driving to work this morning, I was thinking of that part in Julie &  Julia, when Amy Adams says, "I can write a blog, I have thoughts."  Which brings me to the thoughts that I have today... Not too much, but, something kind of funny happened at work today.  I was having lunch with Kim, and we were talking about how I have been congested for the last couple of days.  I hate not being able to breathe, but, having allergies, it's not an abnormal thing for me.  But, I have had to common cold kind of symptoms.  So, I have been taking a lot of vitamin C, garlic, echinesia, vitamin B12 and a lot of orange juice.  For the most part, I have been very good about getting enough sleep during this time too.  In fact the last two nights, I got around 10 hours each night.  Not too shabby if you ask me! But, the congestion has still plagued me.  I can't breathe and that's not really good in my profession.  So, after eating tacos, we went to the local pharmacy and I purchased some nasal spray.  I took two little puffs in each nostril right before my next appointment, and what do you know?  It worked, and now I can breathe again.  It was nice to finally be able to breath and not hear it the whole time I'm working with a client. 

It's starting to get a little bit normal around here with all of us getting ready for school/work all at once.  I got up, got the coffee going, got Kelsie into the shower, got Piper up and dressed.  Good morning overall.  Especially after I checked my schedule before work, and found that my first appointment had cancelled and now, I didn't have to go to work until 10...  HOORAY!!!  Too bad she didn't show up for her appointment either.  In fact, I was looking forward to the 4 appointments that I had for today, only did 2.  Yikes, oh well.  Had a really nice time visiting with the two ladies that I did do the work for.  In fact, it makes me so happy that I can help them to feel better in any way, it's just such a rewarding kind of work that I do. 

I love my job, and I really love that I get to see so many different kinds of people every day.  Some are really cool, some are very quiet, some just want the work done and nothing else, and anyway you have it, it's fine with me.  I just enjoy doing my work.  This morning, I got to use cold therapy on scar tissue.  It's was nice to get to work it and see the major difference that it made in just 30 minutes worth of work.  How cool is that? 

However, there are some people whom I enjoy working with, yet maintain a healthy distance from.  Mind you, it's not because they are bad or mean people, I just chose to not give them all of my personal information... You never know when or why someone would use it against you, but, it's better to be safe than sorry in those cases.  And for the most part, I just kind of follow my gut instincts and if it doesn't feel right, then I listen to that feeling. 

This morning, while I was taking an hour long nap before getting ready for work, our upstairs neighbor locked her keys in the car, while it was running.  Thomas was so sweet and called AAA for her and they came out and unlocked her car, and she was able to get to work, late, but there nonetheless.  So, this evening, she comes down and says that she's buying us dinner, and she's not taking no for an answer... SWEETNESS!!!! I'm so jazzed about that.  She was telling us that she didn't know what she was going to do for dinner, and I said to her, "We're having pizza, what to come down here for dinner?"  Tracy just laughed at me.  I love our neighbors.  We all tend to look out for each other and there is a really great sense that comes from knowing the people who live around you. 

I am thinking that I"m going to start my workout challenge earlier than I thought.  The reason for this is because in the one that I tried to join, they want me to buy a drink to have every morning and really, I like what I have to drink in the morning.  I take fresh fruit, cut dry and freeze it and then pull it out, throw it in the blender with bananas and orange juice.  Works well for me, so all I really need to add to that now, is the workout.  I have decided to use a workout called Slim in 6.  I have used this one before and while, it does get boring with the choice of music, I can plug in my ipod and listen to my workout music instead of the music on this one.  It has worked for me many times, but, I have only got to the end of this workout once.  So, I want to do this 90 day challenge because I want to finish it! Not to lose weight, or to fit into pants or anything like that, but, I just want to prove to myself that I can finish something that I have started, much like doing this blog :)  I am looking forward to doing this.  I don't have anyone who will be working out with me, and I refuse to post anything on facebook, but, I will be putting something about it on this blog... and I'm thinking I may be putting better food into my body to help.  I think that the side effects of doing the workout may be that I will lose weight and that my pants will get looser on me, but, I just want to finish it.

Those are my thoughts today.  I mean, I have other thoughts, but, mostly they are about the politics of our nation and that's a whole other topic for me.  I will have to get into my thoughts about gun control and the national deficit and things like that. 

For now, it's time for tickling Piper and kissing her little noes.. it's so cute, and soon, dinner time!

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