Friday, January 25, 2013

The news

It has been too long since I have last written.. or typed really.  A few days ago, I think it was Tuesday, I was going to talk about the news and what was in it, but, after reading the news, I found that while there were things in it that I was interested in and are national issues, I mostly discovered that I was drawn to the articles about fashion.  Guess we know what is most interesting to me. 

In the newspaper this week, a man wrote a letter to the editor, White Mountain Independent, talking about our nation celebrating the abolition of slavery and the anniversary of Roe v. Wade.  He wasn't too happy about the later.  Hooray for men of all colors having all sorts of rights including Civil rights and the right to vote, but sorry women, you still don't have rights to your bodies. 

It was quite a heated debate that I found most intriguing.  Here was a group of mainly men talking about abortion and how wrong it was because it was still killing a human being.  I have to disagree on this point. 

Now, some of you know my story and things I have done in the past, and for those that don't, it's nothing that I am ashamed of, but really none of your business.  Anyhow, I had to bring up a few points about how if you take away all rights, and say that abortion straights across the board should be illegal, then I want you to think about a few points.  If this was your daughter, daughter-in-law, sister, wife, best friend, normal teenage neighbor that became pregnant for whatever reason.  Tests have been done and they find that if the woman takes the pregnancy to full term, she will surly die!  Do you tell her that her life is not as important as the unborn child's life?  What if the child has severe deformities and will have no normal brain function?  Do you tell her that once again, despite the no quality of life, her life has finished its run and she's got to go? 

I disagree with using abortion as a form of birth control, that wasn't the point of it (I think).  But it was to give a woman a right to choice her life over that of her unborn child.  I believe that when you defund planned parenthood, it makes the ability to be responsible for our own lives a lot more difficult.  I think that defunding planned parenthood would no longer give women who can not afford contraception (usually $70 +) the opportunity to be smart about their lives.  Some ladies know that they cannot afford to have a babies.  Some women know that they want to focus on their careers instead of having kids.  There are females who know that they don't want to have kids.  Birth control is effective 98.9% of the time.  But what of the other 1.2% of those people?

I used the words unborn child earlier.  One tends to have the feelings that it was a whole living thing, a soul has begun to learn what it's destiny is, a life if you will.  However, when you say fetus, it doesn't have the same kind of feeling to it.  Fetus sounds a bit more cold, less impressive, and somewhat expendable. 

I was thinking about animals too... Not the they have cognitive reasoning but hear me out.  A dog has gotten pregnant.  She's having all sorts of problems and you take her to the vet.  Vet says, she will die if an abortion is not preformed.  You say, where do I sign the papers?...  A dog, a bitch.  She is part of your family, you love her, there is no way you're going to lose her when you have the chance to save her life and maybe, just maybe, she will get pregnant again and you can have puppies later.  Do you see where I'm going with this one?

We treat the women in our lives like they are still property when we tell them that their life is not as important as the fetus.  We tell her that the family pet's life is much more valuable than hers because we can decide for these bitches what they can't.  I find that kind of disturbing actually. 

I feel pretty strongly about this.  It's something that is close to my heart because of my life and experiences.  I also said in the article that everyone has their own lives.  And we may not understand choices that others make, but until you walk a mile in those heels, you have no clue what has brought any woman to this decision.  It's a hard one to make and not taken into lightly.  Not only that, it's a decision that they have to live with every single day. 

Me personally, I don't think about it except when it's in the news, and then I have to put my two cents in it.  I have no regrets and I like it that way :) 

And of course there was the "God has a plan" bit going.  And I'm sure she does, but, if you don't talk to her directly, how do you know that this wasn't in 'the plan'?  As put so eloquently by Mike Tyson, "Everyone has a plan, until they get hit".

Anyhow, it's just what I was thinking about.  It's going to be a good night tonight.. I'm going to enjoy getting a massage tomorrow and then getting my hair done.  I love my life!! I'm so grateful for it!! But for tonight, I'm going to enjoy this a whole bunch!!!

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