Monday, January 14, 2013


I have come to the conclusion that there really should be a day between Saturday and Sunday.  I think we should all have three or four day work weeks and take long vacations every other month... Yeah, that's not going to happen in this country while I'm alive!

So, it's Monday and for work I had like 5 appointments today.  I was super jazzed, though I didn't feel the greatest.  Out of those I had three people cancel on me.  Two of which did reschedule for later this week, and the other one is just not able to make it again... which makes me sad, she could so use a massage.  I was glad that I got out of the rest of them.  I have been trying to kick the crud and today, I'm so stuffed up.  I hate that.  It totally sucks when you're getting a massage and the therapist has a cold and you can hear them breathing... UGH! I have been taking good stuff to kick it though, and so by tomorrow, I'm sure I will be much better than today.  Plus, I intend on going to bed very early and not really care about doing anything else. 

Piper is busy doing her homework right now.  We have finished working on spelling, those words like match and patch and catch are kind of hard when you don't hear the 't' in it.  She's so good at working hard at her homework though.  Finished with math and now, she's got to draw a picture of "How would you explore the world?"  This should be very interesting to see what she comes up with. 

I didn't know what it meant to be a good parent until I had a child.  Even more difficult than that, was to become a parent figure to someone else's child.  I now have to be responsible and give good advise instead of saying things like,  If you were going to go U/A, I would have just stayed gone until we pulled out.  That way, you still have to go to NJP, but, at least you get to have the full time in port... Classic Julie style kind of advise.  Not the best for sure, but, at that time, I was a kid and talking to another kid.  I have to say no when I really don't want to, and I have to tell someone that I love so much that you're not being realistic here... Stop living in teenage fantasy land! Life if unfair, get used to it now... And it's funny because I don't consider myself to be the harsher parent, it's really hard when I get a shitty text message saying that it's not fair, and you guys have already made up your minds, so now I have to just go with it and make this whole ordeal go smoother...

Now, let's back up ten yards and punt here... Ordeal?  Really?  You think that living here is some sort of "ordeal" that is the worst thing to have ever happened and that hopefully you will make it out alive or something... this isn't war or the military.  I am amazed at how much leeway one is given and then they want to treat you like some sort of doormat... I will preserver though.  I am tougher and can outlast any spoiled teenager who seems to think that her social life is of the utmost importance to me... bwahahahahahahaha... we shall see. 

I find that the hardest part of being a parent, is knowing when to be the parent and not the friend.  I mean sure, we all want to be friends with our kids, I mean, for the most part, our kids are the best parts of us and we see the best of them.  We want nothing more than for them to succeed and be happy.  But, we also know that in order to be successful, at some point, you are going to have to fail.  Everyone falls when they are trying to learn to walk.  And life, is a journey, so of course, we are going to fall.  It's not about the times that we fail, or have bad shit happen, because it's going to happen... Shit Happens, right :)  It's about how we dust ourselves off and reinvent ourselves.  I know that it's happened to me, and I am a whole lot happier than I ever thought was possible... but I still had to go through my own shit to get through to the other side and see that, while there are some clouds, there is always a lining there, and it shines and if we can look towards that, we will at least have some hope.

I have a special love and respect for my parents.  They had to go through stuff as parents and as people and I would like to think that they have evolved as people as well. 

Which brings me to another thought on parents... I have had a sorted past of small proportions and while, I don't remember a lot of my early 20's, do I tell my daughter that I did things like that?  When she asks, and I'm sure she will, did I ever use drugs or abuse alcohol or have meaningless one night stands, do I tell her the truth? Hmmmmm..... tricky, very tricky here.  Does it make me a better parent if I hid the past from her, or does it make me less approachable as a parent?  What if she is having problems and wants to ask me, but thinks that I have never done anything like that, so naturally, I wouldn't be able to relate to her and the issues she is having.......  It's a toughie for sure!

And of course, if you ask Thomas, he just says that he's never failed... he just had certain goings on that have come about... dork! :) Love him anyway, he makes me laugh.  Being a parent isn't easy, nor is it for the faint of heart, but, it's so rewarding for me to have that small person grow inside of you, and then, all of the sudden they are here and 6 years old, going on 26, or something close to that. 

Anywho, I'm tired and feel crappy, going to go to bed early and relax... and sleep and dream of sugarplum fairies that dance in my head... or water beds and oils and other things like that :)

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