Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Details Missed

It has come to my attention that I have forgotten some of the other details of being a freshman, and for Karla, thank you for reminding me. 

I stated doing Speech and Debate that year, and would continue to do so until I graduated.  I started off with doing a comedy piece that was about a kid who upon seeing this beautiful chocolate cake eats a piece of it.  Then, realizing that he will get into trouble if his mom comes home and sees this, goes to the store and buys a cake and can't understand how his mom knew that it wasn't the same cake... All moms are clairvoyant.  I learned from this that public speaking is a breeze, and I still love getting up in front of a crown and giving a speech. 

I went to church a lot, Lexi was there with me, a lot more than I liked, but it gave us something fun to do.  I couldn't drive at this point, but, I really wanted to. 

There were lots of guys that I liked.  Phil's little brother, Terry was so much fun to be around.  He had this thing for Johnny Depp's character in Benny and Joon and would wear a hat like him and everything.  I was, once again, stuck in 'friend land' with him too.  Must have been the eyes with those two.  One of the popular girls from our grade had this really cute brother that I would stare at as he would walk by.  (Many years after that he would apologize if he was ever a dick to me, because, he was just a dick back then to everyone.)  I took a speech class that year, and that was the year that Mr. Seely started teaching there.  I had one of his classes every year in school, and by the time that I graduated, I would sleep through class on the futon.  I wanted to do a lot of acting, and I tried out for the school play.  I didn't get the lead, I was told that since it's this girls last year, we're going to give it to her.  I never tried out again.  I was really bummed about that.  Lunches found me in the band room with my band homies.  I think my diet consisted of either M & M's or Dots and Mountain Dew.  I wasn't a vision of health in those years either.  It's no wonder to me now, that I had some serious acne problems. 

When I wasn't doing anything in particular, I would be listening to old records of my dad's.  My all time favorite being Led Zeppelin 4.  I used to love Stairway to Heaven, but now, I think When the Levee Breaks is more what I want to hear... To this day, I am still most comfortable listening my classic rock favorite song being Listen to the Music by The Doobie Brothers, which is funny, because Piper's favorite song is Black Water by The Doobie Brothers. 

On Halloween that year, I was riding the bus to school, because that was my form of transportation, and we were at a stop on the highway and the bus was rear-ended.  I was taken to the hospital, it was a fun ride.  Did a lot of PT for that, and in the end, the settlement helped to pay for me to go to Europe after I graduated... that is a whole other story to come though.  I do remember listening to Paul Harvey every morning... He loved his Bose Wave radio, and I so wanted one.  (For the record, I was given a set of Bose speakers for Christmas one year from Joey, I love those!)  I don't think we got any snow days that year, but, I could be wrong. 

I think that's about all the major things that I forgot about.  If I have left you out, I'm super sorry, let me know... I can correct this... Peace Out Kids..

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