Saturday, April 6, 2013

Thoughts from Moscato... :)

For those who don't know, Moscato is this amazingly delicious white wine that is both fruity, not dry, and bubbly all at the same time.  It is sinfully wonderful and when we do Chinese food, I can't seem to help but to drink more than half of the bottle... it was big bottle tonight... and enjoy cooking and life. 

Went to lunch with Nessa and Lizzy and Piper this afternoon, and while the food wasn't the best I have ever had, I cannot complain about it.  It was pretty good.  Not super good or anything, but the company was far more exciting than that food for sure. 

Came home, after hitting the thrift store, for a bunt pan and a 10 key.. hooray.. and we have to go to the store to get stuff for dinner, and since it's Chinese food tonight, that means that I get to have wine with my dinner! Yay me!! I got the big bottle of it.  Barefoot brand Moscato.  Wow, I love this stuff.

And then, as dinner is going nicely, and I am on my 5th glass of wine, I realize, as I'm sitting at the table, that I have indeed, drank a bit too much for dinner.  I lay back on the floor and in a moment, I am feeling better.. and then I decide to write. 

I am not very articulate right now, and my thoughts are scattered quite a bit.  I have to focus really hard on typing to get this out on paper.. well, not really paper, but, you get the idea.  Thomas, in the meantime, has gone to return movies and I am hoping will return with a different one, Anna Karenina.  I wanted to get it last night, but, was unable to, maybe tonight though. 

Piper isn't feeling so well.  Has had the runs for a while now, I feel so bad for her when she gets sick.  I feel like I can't do anything to make it all better and she has to suffer because of it.  I hate to see her hurting, but, she is sleeping now, and that will do her a world of good, I hope.  She was so sweet today.  I got up and she had made a fort in the living room with blankets, and pillows and all sorts of things.  The bird even got the idea that he could come and play with her in the fort, that didn't go so well though.  We went to the park and played and that was a lot of fun for both of us I think.  Then to a late lunch and the thrift store... then we got sick.  And now, as I have said, she's sleeping for the moment, I am hoping that she will stay that way until at least morning. 

My eyes are getting really fuzzy now, I have to take out my contacts before I can't see anything.  Good night for now...Ciao!!

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