Friday, April 19, 2013

Questions for the day...

This is taken from my Facebook page this evening, thus the comment about unfriending me if you find it offensive...

If what I have to say is offensive, you can unfriend me, I promise, I won't be mad... I am not understanding a lot of what is being put out there on Facebook recently. Like, the misinformation that the two boys, and they were kids, because to me, anyone under 26 is a baby still, were from Saudi Arabia, when in fact, they are Russian, Chechnya to be exact. We don't know the motive behind it, so why do we naturally assume that this has anything to do with religion. Why do we keep going after the middle east for everything that has happened? Why do we, as a whole, just not understand that part of the reason that so many of these said middle eastern countries are not friendly with us because of our relationship to Israel. I was always under the impression that we, The United States don't deal with terrorist nations... the most modern term of the word terrorist, as from is this "in the modern sense, 1947, especially in reference to Jewish tactics against the British in Palestine -- earlier it was used of extremist revolutionaries in Russia (1866); and Jacobins during the French Revolution (1795)" Hmmmm...

So then, I have to say thank you to Karla for bringing this up, why do we focus only on the negative aspects of Islam? Why do we not look at our (I say our religion because that is what the majority of Americans are is some form on Christianity) religion and the negative aspects of Christianity? I found it interesting that one comment on it was that Christians have never really done anything that is terrorist like... What about the crusades then? For about 400 or so years, and 11 separate crusades, the non violent Christians went to Jerusalem and tried to eradicate an entire religious group... kind of sound familiar? Then lets see... 800 years of the Inquisition... which The Church still holds an office for, though the title has changed... I have to quote Disney here from Beauty and the Beast "We don't like what we don't understand in fact it scares us"... Nicely put there Gaston.

And then the whole 2nd Amendment thing and how it's completely divided a country. I think it's great that we should have our guns. I am proud to have, at our house a variety of weapons that I know how to use each of. And I shot them well. Why are people so against having required background checks to purchase weapons? I understand that if a criminal wants to buy a gun they will find the means necessary, but, if you have nothing in your background that would prohibit you from legally purchasing a gun, why are you so against it?

Why do we still argue about whether or not marijuana should be legal or not, or are there health benefits or not... Really, 10,000 years of testing and billions of humans using it before us, and we take the advise of our government, because they would never steer us wrong, right? So many health benefits, so many lobbyists and politicians...

Finally, I have to tackle religion again.. not that I think what you believe is wrong, but, here's a thought for you..."You are more than your thoughts, your body or your feelings. You are a swirling vortex of limitless potential who is here to shake things up and create something new that the universe has never seen." Dr. Richard Bartlett 

Why do we have to believe what others tell us if we have all the power within ourselves to be amazing...  Don't be afraid to look for your answers somewhere other than a book, written by some dudes, long ago, for control of money and population... It is out there, if you're willing to open your eyes, and question everything you BELIEVE, especially concerning religion and politics... Do you believe what you believe because that's all you've ever been taught? I did, then I started to learn... remember mind open, heart enlarged, soul receptive... I love you ♥

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