Saturday, April 6, 2013

Finished with the first Quarter....

I started off with this one yesterday and I just couldn't seem to find anything that I wanted to say.  This morning, however, I am, once again, ready to put stuff out there. 

I didn't have the best morning today.  I didn't want to get up and I really wanted Thomas to take Piper to school... That didn't happen.  Instead, Piper and I went to the store, got some breakfast, and a lunch for her, and then off to school.  It was a nice little time for her and I.  I do enjoy our little dates in the morning.  Got home, and I had to fold the sheets for work, so I did that next.  And then, I decided that instead of going to snuggle with Thomas, which I would normally do if I don't have to be to work until 10, I laid down on the couch and tried to remember to smile.  To be grateful for all that I have and to not be grumpy.  I was grumpy this morning.  I don't like waking up like that either.  It's just not fair.  I should be sunshine in the mornings, after coffee.  Got ready for work, left.  I couldn't get into the groove with the music on the radio, so I put in a CD.  Slightly  better. 

So, I am at work, and I get my two massages done for the morning, and get something to eat.  Come back to the office and I don't have another appointment until 5 p.m.  It's 1:20 p.m.  So I was going through my emails and I found one that was talking about a lecture that was given a couple of years ago.  So I watched it, and I loved it!!

The guys name is Vishen Lakhiani.  He is the founder of MindValley, a company that puts good things out there.  They publish and help people to become better versions of themselves.  So, in this talk, he was talking about flow.  And being in the flow of your life.  And then, he said there are 10 things that he does at his company to help create happiness for his employees.  I was blown away at these, because, really, every company could benefit from these ideas.  I know if I had to work for someone, or if I was the owner of a small business, these are things that I would love to make sure that I do for them.  I want to have happy people work for me, because, a happy worker is a good worker.  And a good worker likes to come to work... I am still in the phase of loving what I do, but, I see what I want to do... I have goals.  Anyhow I am working on living in the flow which isn't as hard as I thought it would be... I can only see so far into the future, but, at this point, I think that future is no longer so far off that it's unobtainable.  It does seem to me that the power of our minds is much greater that we thought :)

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