Monday, April 22, 2013

Metor Shower tonight

So, I was reading today that tonight, was suppose to have a very beautiful meteor shower.  I think I might go out this evening, about 11 pm or so and check it out with Thomas.  Nothing really big going on today, but, overall, it was a good day.  Had some good dinner, and now, I'm thinking about a nice smoothie and some time with my heating pad on the neck.  I don't understand how the days always seem to run together, and I never really know how I lose days....

Yesterday, we went for a hike.  Turned out to be about 6 miles.  Piper was such a good trooper.  She didn't really complain about it until we, (Thomas and Kelsie went ahead to get the car while I took her back into the woods for the third time to go to the bathroom) were nearly to where Thomas and Kelsie had met us, she started to cry because she thought that we weren't going to get home before the sun went down.  I told her that it was only about 4 pm and that the sun won't go down for another 3 hours... there was nothing to worry about.  She missed Puppy... her stuffed puppy, named Puppy. 

Watched some fun movies, all of which I would definitely purchase.  Here Comes the Boom with Kevin James, Henry Winkler, Selma Hayek (I think I spelled that wrong) and some cute dude in glasses.  Good good flick.  I loved it... It would be nice if there were more people who went out of their way to fight for a cause that they believed it like the character in this movie. 

Then, The Watch with Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn, Jonah Hill, and another guy I don't remember... Not what I was expecting from Ben Stiller at all.  Good fun though.  I wouldn't let Piper watch it though... I would watch it again, but, still very surprising for these guys...

Lastly, just watched D'Jango.  Ooooh, that was a very good movie.  I have to say that Quentin Tarantino has done it again with his plot twists and soundtracks.  I love that the more movies he does, the more of the same people I get to see over and over again... He should do another one with Brad Pitt.. I loved Lt. Aldo Rains!!! He does crazy so well... Anyhow, it was a good one, and once again, he doesn't let the plot lag or drag in the middle, it's very good.  Jamie Foxx, wow, nicely done! And of course, Kerry Washington, who is just a beautiful woman, I love to see her movies, she's awesome.  Some of my now favorite villains are from this movie, both Samuel L. Jackson and Leonardo DiCaprio.  I love good bad guys.  They are what make the movie that good.  Can't have a good movie without a good bad guy.  A bit much on the blood, but, it's very typical for Tarintino, so, not to be unexpected.  Not to mention the Best Supporting Actor Christoph Waltz who totally killed it in this movie.  He was so good in this movie and I loved him in it.  Thomas says he could have pulled off Barbosa just as well as Geoffrey Rush... Though, let's not get into that debate right now.   I still like him best in Inglorious Bastards.. Such a good dick!

Anyhow, I am going to go outside now and see if I can see the stars falling.. I have some serious wishing to do tonight... because, well, I DESERVE GREAT THINGS IN MY LIFE TO HAPPEN, AND TO HAPPEN NOW!!! Peace out!

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