Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Some action is required... :)

I have a feeling that our government is not looking out for the best interest of it's people.  It's seeming more and more like what can they do to get richer while seeing if they can screw over the American population.  I have a theory about how the insurance and pharmaceutical companies are in bed with the lobbyists and state representatives.  It's of course just my theory, but, it seems that it's truer and truer with each passing election.  Now I'm not saying that there are no honest politicians out there, I'm simply suggesting that they really are the Latin translation of the word politician... blood sucking parasite.  THEY are the real drain on our country... Here are some solutions for our national deficit that I truly believe would work, if these 545 people on capital hill had ANY balls...

First, we stop paying politicians for a job they are no longer doing.  If you have served a term and are no longer serving the PEOPLE of the United States, you no longer draw a salary from that job.  No one else in the country gets to continued to be paid for job they are not doing.  Second, we stop paying Native Americans for living on the reservation.  The land, is no longer considered part of a separate nation.  If you wish to be a part of a separate nation, go to another country and live, but, I should think we should REFUSE to pay anyone for simply living on a piece of land. If you want have the government to pay you that much, work for the Feds, or, go join the military and become an officer and be in for the full 20 years, stop being a drain on our country.  (Now I do realize that not everyone is like that, there are many who are not, however, at some point, everyone is going to have to get over the past.  It's over.  We can't spend our lives making up for shit that happened 100+ years ago.  I didn't do anything to you, you haven't done anything to me.  Let's just say we are all part of the same country, and we all live together, happily.)  Third, when it comes to immigration, if you are not here legally, don't expect handouts.  There are millions of people who have come to this country legally, got their citizenship and have made great things of themselves.  They are not allowed to ever get government handouts.  They all took a test, and an oath, learned our language, and said that's what they want.  If you are caught, you will be taken to the nearest boarder of our country, put into a jail, because, it's still breaking the law to be here.  You will spend your time building a wall that creates a barrier and when you are released, you will be released back to your country... (This only really works for those who come here illegally from our nations bordering countries... I just have yet to see a lot of Canadians who WANT to come to America illegally and live.  From what I have seen, it's kind of the other way around.) 

Now the real reason that I feel this way is from a personal experience that I wish to share with you all, and hopefully, you will feel the need to take action, as I have.  I have a friend who has a permanent disability.  He's got a partially severed nerve in his cervical spine (that means one of his nerves has been nearly ripped off from the spinal cord in his neck).  This problem causes a great deal of pain.

In 2008, he moved to Arizona to provide a quieter life for him and his teenage daughter.  At that time, he had his medical report from California with him... current and everything. He was then informed that he had to see an Arizona doctor to get services, so he did. Although his injury does not allow for him to do the kind of work he would like to, he decided to get an education so he could get a job and continue to work to support his family.  He applied and was accepted into vocational rehab however, he stepped aside to allow others to participate in it because he had received a grant for school and enrolled in the Massage Therapy Program at our local college.  He was told he needed to comply with Arbor/ResCare which provides case management, career assessment and planning, job search and job placement services that help individuals reach their potential and achieve economic self-sufficiency.

Part of their requirements is to provide a medical report, with the exact nature of what his disability was, which he did, repeatedly.  Of the above listed services, he received case management, and was required to perform job searches to meet compliance policies.  Another requirement was that he had to volunteer for a certain amount of hours per week.  While volunteering with a massage therapy facility, he and the owner of this facility were harassed by Arbor/ResCare to the point that he was asked, by the owner, to find other volunteer work. This created a compliance issue with Arbor/ResCare.

He returned to the Show Low DES office as a volunteer to assist residents with finding employment, learn interview and resume writing skills, and learn to operate computers. Since he had volunteered at this office before it was required by Arbor/ResCare, he decided to continue to volunteer after his Arbor/ResCare case was closed.  With a total of 3 years, give or take a few months, he has spent thousands of hours helping the residents of our community and the office staff.  I have heard him numerous times being asked why do you volunteer here?  His response is selfless and generous, "because people need help". His face in the community is known for being that guy who helped someone get a job... Can't go anywhere really, without running into someone who has benefited from his help.

 The biggest problem facing him right now, is, without this medical report, he cannot receive on-going, nor get further medical treatment.  His pain level is skyrocketing on a daily basis.  No doctor will touch this case without a medical report, and extensive current nerve conduction testing just to get a baseline going again.  (For those who don't know, a nerve conduction test is where they stick needles in you and run electricity through them to see how bad the damage is.)

At the beginning of this year, he wrote to our state Governor, Jan Brewer, and the director of DES, Clarence Carter for help.  Since this agency was contracted with the state, he thought it was time to talk to the ones who contracted them. 

What is really funny, is that for the past two years, he has tried to deal with Arbor/ResCare to work this out in a  reasonable manner. They have flat refused to replace his medical report. It's very frustrating for him. At this point, Arbor/ResCare has been caught lying to the state of Arizona regarding  the multiple requests and loss of his medical report.  Yet, the Governors office and the director of the DES refuse to hold Arbor/ResCare responsible for this MAJOR oversight. The proof of Arbor/ResCare's lie came in the form of documentation from his original case worker. They, OUR Government, wish for US, the TAXPAYERS to replace his medical report. Something which HE HAS REFUSED as being WRONG. He needs the medical help and it's getting to the point where he has asked me to try to help with seeking answers for this.

Last week, he got a call from the DES, and they said that because he was on the state health care, they would just have the tests done through the state... Wait a second here... A company that is hired by the state lost a medical report several times, including the original.  Now they want the TAXPAYERS  OF THAT STATE to pay for this kind of testing to be done, when it was the contracted company's negligence which caused this problem, not the taxpayers?!  I have a huge problem with MY TAXES going to pay for testing that Arbor/ResCare should be paying for, since it was their foul up to start with!!!

In researching this company, this is a multi-billion dollar company that is in 23 states across the country.  They are suppose to be helping people, not hurting them, or making the TAXPAYERS pay for their irresponsibility, repeated carelessness and total negligence.  What I am asking all of my readers is for a simple favor.  Please, write to the governor's office and ask, why do we have to pay for this company's blunder when they should be the one to pay for it.  (Personally, I think they should compensate him for the last 4 years that he has been punished and penalized for their inability to perform a job well as the lack of medical treatment, but, that's just me)  Write to the director of DES and ask his why this is happening?  Not only that, why has he heard nearly nothing from anyone for the last 3 months, except, that he is no longer allowed to volunteer due to some "paperwork" issue. 

For those who know me, you know who I am talking about so you also know that this impacts me in a huge way too.  I personally, cannot understand why this state is so unwilling to do anything to protect one of its legal residents, or why are they taking the side of this company while placing the burden on the taxpayers.  Every time we think there is progress being made, it's not.  It's just being put onto someone else's inbox for them to forget about it for the next few months.  This must stop!!!  If it's happened to one, how many others are going through the same thing with the same kind of results???!   You can email our governor at or you can email Mr. Carter at  Ask them why are the taxpayers being made to pay for the mistake of a company that we hired to help people out.  Refer to Thomas and Arbor/ResCare out of the Show Low DES office.  The taxpayers shouldn't be made responsible for this.  Arbor/ResCare MUST be the ones who are held responsible for this!!! 

Let's take a stand and make a difference for someone.  You never know, the life you may change and help, could be your own.  Together we stand, divided we fall.... Peace.

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