Sunday, May 5, 2013

I hate you Facebook

OK, so maybe hate is a strong word, but, I think it's safe to say that I really dislike you a lot of the times.  I mean, it's this huge platform for so many to get their point across and share things with others, I mean, the possibilities are endless really with the social media thing.  I think what really solidifies it for me, is that, it seems that for all the effort I put into getting information out there that should matter and things that we can do to help one another, no one cares enough to do anything about it.  Well, I did have someone say that what I had put out there was worth the read and the action, but, that was it. 

I know that we are suppose to think that it's such a great thing, this world of information and the Internet, yet, we are less connected to one another than we have ever been.  We live in these big neighborhoods where no one knows each other.  We work for companies where are you are no longer a valued person, you're just a number to them.  We see that there are those out there whom we could help, and we walk by it and pretend that we don't see it.  I don't understand this.  I don't understand it at all.  I make jokes a lot about going back to the technology of 1984.  It was a good year for music, Prince's Purple Rain came out, Billy Idol was THE SHIT, and Van Halen were gods... might as well Jump, and Frankie went to Hollywood to Relax.  Anyhow, remember the yellow phone that hung in the kitchen with a 25 foot cord.  There was no such thing as privacy when making a phone call, unless it was your parents in their room... where they had the rotary phone... Aww... good times. 

But, there were things that in these fast times, we have forgotten about.  How to be compassionate, how to be people who can look at a situation and realize that not everyone is out to get them.  We are human still, and we make mistakes... There are those who really need to be punished for doing wrong, but, that's not the point. 

So, I have recently put some information out there about a company who used and abused a man who wanted nothing more than to make a better person of himself.  After a debilitating accident, he goes through a lot years hurting.  He tries to go back to school, is told that he has to do certain things, and complies with them, yet, they lose his medical report...  A report that spans more than a decade and is somewhat needed to be able to treat his problem.  I can only imagine the kind of pain that he feels everyday, and yet, I really hope that I never have to deal with it.  I see what it does, and I see what it looks like, the constant agony of it.  I have a great deal of respect for those who live with constant pain.  This morning, while putting on his shirt, he turned his neck just right and it pinched, or that's what it was described as being, the nerve in his neck.  The day went from being all of us doing stuff together and having fun, to him lying in bed with a nice brace on his arm so it didn't seize up on him.   With no medications to be able to take to help relax this, he has been in severe pain all day long, which will inevitably turn into the next week of such pain.  I think he will be lucky if he can fall asleep on the bed at all this week, most likely, it will mean that he sleeps sitting up in a chair for maybe a few hours for the next few nights. 

I see what is going on with him, and I have to wonder.  If a friend of mine put herself out there and asked for help in righting a situation, would I have the balls to stand up for her too?  Would I be able to write to a governor or a state appointed official and ask what the fuck is going on? (though probably not in those exact words)  Or am I the kind of person who sees a need for help and does nothing? 

I am not sure.  I used to think that I was a kind, caring, sometimes thoughtful person... though, now, I am thinking that I am more than what I thought I was.  I have never really stood up for anyone or anything on the behalf of anyone else.  What was the point?  What could I really do to make things change?  You may be wondering that right now too.  What can you do to make a difference in someone else's life?  You can take action.  You can write to the governor and ask why are the taxpayers being made to pay for a mistake of a contracted company that says they are working to help others.  These business people make multi billions of dollars every year, and yet, they refuse to take responsibility for a mistake they did.  This is an outrage and should not be tolerated by anyone person  that has to pay taxes... Which is the majority of us.  I should think that if this company made the mistake, they should have to pay for it... Not only that, they should have to compensate him for the ill-treatment that he received while as a client of this company. 

I don't know about you, but, I am getting tired of big companies that are just looking to screw over the population of our country.  I am getting tired of a government that sees what's going on, and yet does nothing.  I am really tired of a system that punishes the ones who are just trying to make a better life for themselves and promotes lazy baby making machines who sit on their ass and do nothing, while those who just need a little help, just a little, are denied because they have a job..... GGGRRRRRRRRRRR... What is wrong with this?

I have no answers for these questions.  I have a hope that people will read this and want to take action, that they will want to help someone who needs it.  I have this hope that they will hear of the bullshit a company has put one person through and realize that it's not likely that he's the only one whose been through it.  I keep hoping that I am not the only one who is fighting for justice on his behalf... But if I am, I know that no matter what, I am working to make this life a better one, if only for one person, then I know that, as a member of our human race, I have done something that has made a difference in the life of another. 

So, Facebook, you can have your site back, and you can have all the cute pictures of kitties and puppies... With all of your cancer, autism, MS awareness, and you can have them.  I will, undoubtedly try to raise awareness for one person who still needs help.  I will keep fighting, if even on my own, so, take that!!! I am going to make a difference, whether you help me or not, though, with your help, I'm sure I can get a lot further.

PS, For the information that you would need about what I am talking about today, see the previous blog entry, Some action required, and let's be a force for good on this one....
Night all...

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