Monday, August 19, 2013

Society and Sex

Today, after doing a lot of debating, I have chosen to talk about sex and our society.  I am sure there are lots of people who will love to read about this one, so, for you, I hope that you like it. 

In the American culture, we are saturated with sex from the time we are born until the day that we die.  It's in our media, in our music, in our news broadcasts, our entertainment, everywhere you look, it's about sex.  Even more so, it's about sex appeal.  How do we view ourselves and others in the world around us.  What is beautiful and who decides who or what is beautiful. 

What really makes me wonder is, in our society today, where we are inundated with all this sex, why is it such a bad thing to be a female who enjoys sex.  Not only to just enjoy sex, but, with more than a few partners.  We look at men who have many conquests and we see them as a stud and they are so great, but a woman, well, she's obviously a whore if she's like that.  Why?  Why can't women enjoy sex like a strong man can?  Seems a bit sexist to me that, in the 21st century, we are still treating women like pieces of property who are incapable of being able to enjoy the same pleasures as a man (it also seems strange with all of our technology today, that instead of having flying cars and hovercrafts, we have blankets with sleeves).  And don't even get me started on the topic of abortion and a woman's right to her body... that's not what I'm here to talk about.....   today.

So then, sex.  It's a taboo topic for many people and there are some people that I really don't want to talk about sex with, my parents being one of them.  I think it's funny how I can talk about it with my sisters and my friends, but, mom and dad, I just eww.  Can't do it.  But, it's something that totally holds my interest.  Actually, the only things that I don't joke about are sex and my family.  I mean, I can joke about them, but, I don't lie about that kind of stuff.  I enjoy talking about it, to me it's interesting for sure.  Much like music is interesting to me too, I enjoy talking about that too.   

In the book that I just finished, Mastering 5 Elements, Tanya Storch and Jeff Primack describe sex something like this:

"'Energy that runs through people's relationships is one of the strongest energies on Earth, especially if it involves sexual intimacy.  Think about it Tanya, most of the things that we see, touch and move with our hands are not allowed to penetrate our physical bodies.  Only air, food, drink and our love-partner receive our permission to go deep, very deep inside our skin.  Thus, the energy exchange that happens though romantic, intimate loving can either make you strong and healthy, or it can weaken and destroy you.  People seldom realize this when they initiate a merging of Qi and Jing by uniting with each other through physical love.  They generate such a high level of new energy that one can make an atomic bomb from it, or use it for electricity...enough to light up a whole city in Siberia.'  He laughed then, his eyes mischievous yet sincere.  'Out of the energy of merging of the female and male Qi and Jing a whole new human can be created.  You just think about this -- No amount of human effort put together for many years in many different laboratories around the world can create one little baby, but a couple of lovers can do it in one hour or less!'"

The passage goes on for a bit longer, but you get the idea.  The book itself was talking about the 5 elements that rule our personalities and over all can help us understand ourselves and our partners a little bit better, I totally recommend that you get a copy and read it.  Very good read!  So, according this, sex is an exchange of energy.  And the energy is so great, that it can create.  I guess I had yet to really think of it like that, but, it's true.   It took a massive amount of energy to create the earth, and it takes that kind of electricity to make a create a person.  Interesting. 

Me personally, I enjoy it.  I think most who have experienced sex, do tend to like it.  And I like it for more than one reason.  The first reason has to do with the man that I am in love with, the one that I share my life with.  He... well, he's pretty awesome! I don't like to go into too much detail, but, I will say that I love being with him.  The next reason, is the way that I feel afterwards.  I used to feel somewhat guilty and sad and I liked having sex, but, used to feel somewhat empty afterwards, and what was strange is I was married at the time.  It was as though I was doing something that I should not be doing.  How terrible is that?! Now, I feel so glowy and alive and full of energy ready to take on what ever the day is going to throw my way, or ready for some good sound sleep.  Either way, I am feeling good.  I am feeling great in fact! I like it because it keeps me in a good mood for longer.  Like, even if I am not having the best day, I can still smile because of it.  I like the way skin on skin feels, and I love the way Thomas kisses!!! 

I have a hard time with people who say that  sex is bad, or women or men are the root of all evil.  I think it has nothing to do with sex.  Greed and the desire for control is the root of evil on this planet.  I mean think of it this way, you can read a book about someone getting eaten by a shark, in very graphic detail and no one thinks anything of it.  You write a penis and a vagina, you are labeled as some sort of pornographic writer.  I don't know about anyone else out there, but, I would much rather read and experience the whole penis thing than to ever know what it feels like to have 6 rows of serrated razor sharp teeth penetrate my skin, body, or organs.  Just saying!!! 

In recent years, I have read the Karma Sutra.  I have even loved it so much that I gave a copy of it to my parents (not that I ever really want to know if they are reading it, but, when asked what the key is to a long healthy life, I told my mom, yoga, massage, and sex... and gave her the books Sexy Yoga and The Karma Sutra for her birthday).  What I liked was not that it gave a picture detail of how to, most of those are only to be tried by experienced Yogis, but, how it went into details about how to pick a mate, how to hold one another, how to kiss each other, and that when looking for a mate, you should chose someone you love.  Now think of this... When The Karma Sutra was being written, so was the book of Revelations.  Two vastly different cultures with the only similarity being we are humans together on this planet, searching for love. 

I have taken the ideas and beliefs more of the Buddhist nature in the last few years for a few reasons.  One being life experience has taught me something different than what the Church has tried to sell me.  That doesn't mean that I have no faith, I just have a different opinion than others.  Thomas and I joke about a movie, Bull Durham with Kevin Costner and Susan Sarandon.  That first part of the movie, in the very beginning where she says, "I believe in the church of Baseball."  I don't think it's fair that we as a people let a company run our lives.  I think we are capable of making our own decisions and if those include lots of sex, then that's what it is.  I can't say that it's always a safe idea and or that there are those out there who are just trying to hurt you, but, as a woman, I like sex and I am going to continue to do it until it's a physical impossibility.  I have been told that eventually, birthday sex isn't a big thing, I don't want to live to be that old then.  It's an important part of any relationship and it's a way to connect. 

But, those are just my thoughts on it.  I know, it's a bit scattered today, took me a few times of editing this to get it out, but, overall, it's just my opinion.  And opinions are like assholes, every one's got one, some of them stink :)  Peace...


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