Thursday, January 14, 2016

To Women... Stop being offeneded!!

At my house, we have a lot of discussions about the world and politics these days.  Some things we agree on, and other things, we each have our own ideas about it and whether or not we agree on it, it's always a good topic for discussion here.  Last night was no exception to this rule.  Last night, however, we completely disagreed on the general topic, but I am learning that there are some instances where he may be right.

In the news lately, is a lot of breastfeeding in public.  I nursed my daughter, I loved that time that we were able to have together.  I never fed her in public.  I had a hard time with nursing, so when I saw a woman who was able to nurse in public, I am somewhat jealous.  Now, here's the debate part.  Should a woman have to cover herself while in public while nursing.  I think it's really up to the woman, however, there seems to be a lot of women who think that no matter where they go, they should be permitted to nurse uncovered and then get upset when someone stares or says something to them about it. 

As a mother, I did start to understand my child's feeding schedule, and as such, I would try not to push the issue too hard and keep to the house around her feeding time.  I also pumped, so when I was somewhere I felt uncomfortable, I could take care of my little one without worry.  That was my thing with it, which is not to say that every woman will feel this way. 

I'm not saying that one shouldn't breast feed in public.  Just stop being so offended when a person stares at you.  There are some who don't think it's appropriate to just whip your breasts out in public, regardless of what they are doing.  In a professional world, you need to be a little professional well.

Which really brings me to the point of today's topic.  Women shout for equal rights and equal pay, yet you never hear them say that they are willing to take equal responsibility for their actions.  In our world now, in this country, if a man takes his penis out, he can be fined, arrested, and labeled a sex offender for merely taking it out of his drawers.  And this happens, a lot.  A women can take out her breast, in a court of law, to feed, not cover herself, and then get upset when people stare at her.. She actually tried to sue LA county for asking her to leave the courtroom.  Come on sisters!!! Wake the fuck up! You want to have all the same benefits as men, start taking responsibility for some of the actions that are deemed inappropriate for men, and maybe think that, hey, we shouldn't be allowed to do that as well. 

Now is where I can hear you saying to yourself, it's our bodies, we need to feed our children when they are hungry and no one can tell me otherwise.  You're right.  No one should tell you otherwise.  You should have the common sense to know when and where it is appropriate to feed your child.  At a food court, that's where everyone eats, of course, feed your kid.  But also realize that if you choose to feed your child at that time, there are plenty of others around who have little kids that may stare and ask questions and be shocked.  Little kids are funny like that, they have no filter on their mouths when they ask questions of their parent about why is some lady pulling out her breasts while they are eating. 

I am so surprised with women who are crying out for breastfeeding rights and how they shouldn't be asked to leave or have to hide what they are doing while out in a public setting.  I know that we as a country have been sending out mixed messages about boobs.  They have been turned into an advertising dream.  In the movies, on TV, all over the internet, boobs are the coolest thing, and they used to sell everything there is.  I can't help that that's what's happened.  But we let it happen too.  We want others to see us, so we post pictures of us in bikinis and tiny shorts or V-neck shirts.  We want others to see them.  Why?  Why the fuck not?  I loved the old saying, if you've got it, flaunt it.  If not, pretend.  Wow.  If you have boobs, use them.  So now, anytime one poops out we are all over it, saying oh my gosh, her boob is out.  And now, when you take them out, for any reason, for any thing, people stare.  There are those women out there who are trying to take back the mystery of being feminine.  We want to leave things to the imagination now.  We want them to wonder.. (And by them, I mean those who love boobs... man or woman, it doesn't really matter at that point.)  I know that for me, I no longer really want to see women with their chests hanging out.  I'm personally fed up with the advertising that completely sexualizes our bodies, men or women, it happens to both.  I don't really care to deal with advertising at this point anyway, due to the fact that the truth no longer matters and it's all about making money.  I don't want my young daughter to have to see it.  I don't want her to look around at all there is about sex and how we should or shouldn't look or dress or what have you.  So for me, I really don't care to see you breast feed.  While it doesn't really bother me, and I won't stare at you or ask you to leave or cover yourself, I'll just be the one to get up and leave.  Why don't I say something, because that's what these women want.  They want the attention.  They seem to want the opportunity  to get offended about it.  That however doesn't mean that others won't say something.  And you know what, it's their freedom of speech that you are trying to take away from them.  He offended me by asking me to cover myself while I was feeding my kid, how dare he do that.  This kind of thinking is where the problem lies.  Sure it's your right to feed.  I hope you do.  But it's their rights to say something.  Stop being so dammed offended by it.  Get a grip on reality people! 

I say, if you want to feed your kid, do so.  Remember that there are times that I would advise against just whipping it out and giving it your child.  A court of law is one of those places, so is the front seat of your car while driving.  Yes, this has happened before.  And yes, both women were shocked to find that they were asked to cease and desist.  I don't understand why they were so upset about it.  A court of law is never the place to bring small children, ever.  In fact, they tell you, not to bring your kids, and yet, we still have those who do that.  Driving is also not the time to decide that it can 't wait.  Wow, thank you for putting so many other lives at risk while driving a 2000-6000 pound projectile and feeding your kid...  But it couldn't wait right?     

Maybe I am one of those crazy women who think that I probably would be totally ok with feeding your kid anywhere if you covered yourself and the child while doing so.  Maybe I am the only woman who thinks that maybe, just maybe, I'm not really ready to talk to my daughter about sex and breasts.  Maybe I don't care what you think about it.  I think nursing is beautiful and wonderful and amazing.  I am so glad that I was able to do that for Piper.  She is such a great kid.  I just no longer really want to have to see you doing it.  Ugh....!  When did I get old?  Anyhow....

We as women shout from the rooftops that we want equal rights, we want equal pay we want to be considered equal to the men in the world.  We are rarely paid the same as a man for the same job.  We work twice as hard to get the same amount of respect as a man.  We push the boundaries because we want to do more and be thought of as equals.  Would you like equal treatment in life?  You want equal pay for the same jobs that men have and are grossly overpaid for?  How about taking some of that equal ideas, and start putting in the same kind of responsibility that men do.  We are equal, just so different.  We, as women, think differently then men do, we act and react very differently then men do.  And yet, here we are talking about how we want the same benefits, but we are going backwards ladies.  To prove who great we are and that we are not going to take this discrimination we take photos of ourselves in public places defying laws and rules... why should we be given more leeway for this?  This is blatant and totally irresponsible.  We want to be take seriously, then fucking act serious about it. 

We, women, are the ones who say that which female in Hollywood isn't pretty enough or skinny enough.  We, women, are the ones who make comments about other women, we judge more harshly our sisters, than most men ever dream of.  You know what they think when see those scarcely clad women in bikinis who, are having all the flaws pointed out on the cover of The Enquirer, Oh my god, there is side boob, and I saw it!!  Yes, men think like this.  We see every flaw in ourselves and others, and really all men see are boobs.  Sad but true. 

We have taken something that is natural and totally normal and turned it into a hot topic because there are women out there who are offended by being asked to cover themselves.  As I said before, I am probably the only woman I know who thinks that breast feeding should be allowed everywhere, but, please cover yourself.  And if you don't, which is totally your right, don't get all up and arms over being spoken to about it.  Again, it's still their right to say something to you as well.  Stop acting like you're being treated poorly and inhumanly because of it.  They are speaking their minds, just like you are. 

I know that this is not the popular view, but, really, I'm no longer really trying to be popular.  So if you like what I say, cool, and if not, cool.  I'm not that worried.  Apparently with age comes some wisdom and for me, life is no longer about making sure everyone likes me or what I have to say.  But that's the beauty of it, I no longer care if you do or not.  (Well, I might care a little but no where near the same amount that I have before.)

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