Thursday, February 25, 2016

More Facts

Last night, I started to feel the pressure of what is going on in my professional life.  I was given some good advice by a few and all of it I have taken into consideration.  I know that to make me happy, it starts with me.  I know that if I really set my mind to something I can do it.  I also know that once I really set my mind to something I will make every effort to be the very best one of whatever it is I am doing.  The hardest thing for me is deciding what it is that I love and what do I want to do. 

I have given this a lot of thought and I want to dance....  Ok so that's not exactly going to be the next career move but, it's something that makes me happy.  I was thinking about this last night before bed and this morning on the way to work.  What do I want?  What makes me happy?  What can I do to better the rest of the world?  Or at least those around me.  I think I have it.  I love to talk to people and see how they are doing and what kind of things make them happy.  If there is a job out there for a person to work for a company and their sole job was to talk to others and make them smile, that's what I want to do.  Like a social director or something.  But by social I mean in the context of socializing with others.  Not like social worker who has a very important job to children and parents and stuff like that.  Nope.  I want to just talk and have fun and dance when I can and sing when I can and tell funny stories.

So, I have decided to finish writing my book.  Not only that, I think I may be able to publish one next month.  Like March of this year.  I am excited about it.  There is much editing to go on, but, I think it's going to be awesome.  And I am sure that once I get that one finished, the next one will be coming along.  Followed by another and another.  I have this planned out for the year.  May be a little pre-emptive but, it's what I love and what I have always wanted to do.  I keep saying that I want to be a writer, so, that's what I am going to do.  No, it's not going to be some sweet love story, I like real life a whole lot better.  Makes for some funny jokes and laughs and some good times. 

How did I figure this out?  I just did.  I know that my passion is to write, so that's what I am going to do and follow that dream.  I want to write for myself and I want to write for the enjoyment of others.  It's time for me to really follow a dream.  Just wait, it's going to be good, and sometimes not so good, and sometimes sad and sometimes funny, but always, it's going to be me and life.  Maybe I will be able to travel to new and exciting places or maybe not.  I look forward to this new adventure.  Stay tuned, don't change that dial, big things are coming your way. 

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