Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The question of Allegiance

The other day, we watched Air Force One. Love that movie. So much fun to watch, but it got me thinking about those who say they are loyal to one country and are loyal to two. Dual Citizens. There are so many from different countries that it's pretty awesome when you think about it. But with the election approaching, I wonder, why do we continue to elect officials who are dual citizens? I'm not saying that belonging to another country is a bad thing, but, how can you to uphold the Constitution of The United States, when you have swore allegiance to another country as well? In my mind, it's bullshit that we have anyone in office who is a dual citizen. In the back of my mind I would constantly wonder if they really had the American people in mind or are they trying to do what they can for their other country as well. It's shady and it's a practice that needs to stop! Why would we elect anyone that isn't completely committed to our country?! I ran across a petition the other day, fresh out of the box about making this an illegal thing. No more dual citizens in our elected or appointed officials. Please friends, all you flag waving, fun loving, beer drinking people, this is a big thing that all of us can get behind. Let's make sure that our country is run by people who have sworn to uphold ONLY OUR Constitution. No more saying you love America and running for office when you are still a citizen of any other country. Please, sign this... it could mean the difference between doing what's best for us as a nation and doing what's best for us and some other country.

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