Friday, December 18, 2015

That perfect gift for the holidays

It's that time of year again. The trees are covered in snow outside. The ones inside are decorated with baubles and lights, the atmosphere is suppose to be one of joy and love and good will to our fellow man.

Unfortunately, it's also the season for trying to find out what is the perfect gift for the person you drew this year in the office Secret Santa gift exchange. For some, this can be a very difficult challenge. There are so many factors that go into picking out the p...erfect gift, and if they don't like it, well, that's the worst feeling.

So what do you get a person with whom you interact with on a daily basis, yet don't really know at all? There are the ones who buy everything they want for themselves, so it's not a matter of what do they need. Stationary is always a nice little gift, but, you don't seem to get the response that you're hoping for with a shiny new red stapler. Bringing anything that smells into an office in this day and age is now taboo, due to so many of us with environmental allergies, and as much as we all love Elizabeth Taylor's White Diamonds, it's a recipe for disaster for those with severe allergies and asthma.

Finding something that works for that person is a stressful thing. I personally hate going to the store to find that perfect something. Sadly my Secret Santa this year ended up with a blanket, a new calendar and a yo-yo. I could have handled that better. How? The answer was there the whole time, staring me in the face; get her a gift certificate for a massage.

Let's face it, the holiday season can put undue stress on any person who is buying gifts for friends, family, and of course, our work colleagues. We see how much stress they go through on any given day, we hear their stories of kids and friends, lovers and families and parents all the time. Our lives have become a constant stream of go go go without a thought of maybe, just maybe, we need to slow it down. The stress of everyday life is bad in and of itself, but, add the holidays to it, we seem to want to go overboard with gifts and never really find that perfect gift, which causes more stress than it needs to be.

What does that person really want? To relax for a few minutes and enjoy the quite, that's what they want. They want a few minutes to stop and get treated like a person who matters in the greater scheme of life. They want a massage. They need a massage.

This holiday season, try a different approach for a gift. Give them a gift of good health. Give them a gift of relaxation and some much needed 'me' time. Watch their faces as they open the envelop with the certificate, and see just how badly they have needed it. This year, give them a gift certificate for a massage.

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