Friday, November 29, 2013

Feeling like I had lost my voice

Over the last few weeks, I have not had the use of my computer.  The mother board that I have been trying so hard to take care of, I thought, was finally done.  I was not happy about that.  Not that I don't spend way too much time on facebook and play stupid videos on YouTube, but, more than that, I thought that I had lost my ability to write.  I couldn't even use to it write the book that I am officially working on.  I was, for all intensive purposes, thinking that my voice wouldn't be heard for a long time.  It was a horrible feeling.

I think I am glad that I tried to plug it back in today and see what would happen.  I think it just needed some time off from everything and then it would go back to working.  Now, the problem remains that I don't have the Internet at home anymore.  I will be able to work on my book which is a good thing if you ask me :)

I have been watching lots of movies lately, and there was one that while the context of the movie didn't make me cry, it was the fact things like this go on in our country all the time, and it's the almighty dollar is really the biggest problem we have in our land today.  I was so saddened that this movie, so well done, really well acted, had hardly even a notice to anyone who wasn't looking for it.  I hate to say that even I have become a fan of the action flicks, but, I know that there are other movies of greater substance than the ones where everyone is shooting each other, like, Cloud Atlas or The East.  Movies that should have been noticed by the Academy, but, will not be because it's not about action and people always killing each other.  Cloud Atlas has become one of my most favorite movies of all time.  Since I first saw the trailer for it, I was taken in by it.  All I knew was that I had to see this movie.  It was already out of theaters so I had to wait for it to come out to video.  It was so well worth the wait.  It was so beautifully done and everyone in it was so good.  I can't help but really think about all that this movie implied.  It was amazing for me. 

The East was a movie about domestic terrorist organization that made the big businesses pay for what they had done.  The oil companies, the pharmaceutical companies, the companies that dump waste into the rivers and lakes and contaminates the water table.  They all had to pay for what they had done.  And while I understand that it's against the law to try the kind of tactics, I more understand why they thought it was necessary to do it.  And for that, I cried.  I cried because sometimes, I feel like I am so naïve that I had no idea just how greedy people have become.  I know that I too suffer from greed, but, I don't think that money should ever come at the cost of other people.  And that's what was going on in this movie.  A drug that had been toxic yet given out as an antibiotic and the side effects were horrible, yet, still prescribed.  The gave it to the makers of the drug and they got to see what it was like to have a dose of their own medicine.  An oil company that spilled oil had their house flooded with it.  That company that dumped into the lakes, made to swim in it.  And all of these people who made the money off of all these things, were in it all for the money. 

I like money, I would like to have more of it, I LOVE to spend it.  I don't think that if making it meant that I had to pollute the ocean, or the water table where so many live, or create a drug that could harm more than it will do good, then I don't want to make my fortune that way.  I can't understand so much of why things go on these days.  There is more greed in our world than ever and it makes me so sad that I cried for hours.  I am so very sad that we have let something that really is a tool become what drives us.  It's used to purchase toilet paper and milk and it has been corrupted so much that it doesn't matter who gets hurt in the process of acquiring it.  I would like to think that there is still some good in the world and that others would see what we are doing to our earth and think twice about killing it.  The need for nuclear power really scares me more than anything now.  I see what has happened at the different places and I think it would be really a wise idea to harness the natural powers that world gives us to power our lives.  Like using solar power and wind generators for our homes. 

I am scared for the future of our world.  It's not my generation that will have to deal with this, I think, it's Piper's grand kids that will have to deal with what we have done.  We as a whole, not like it's all someone else's fault.  We all have a hand in it, now, let's take our hands and see what good we can do with it instead.  We can stop buying water and get a purifier instead.  We can stop bashing the things that we don't like in our lives and instead promote what we do like.  We can stop saying that the best way to cure something is to inject poison into our bodies.  We can stop putting processed food into our bodies and start  putting fresh fruits and vegetables into our bodies.  Most importantly, we can stop the GMO and MSG in our foods.  Eat only things that make our bodies happy... and that's not Oreo's that I'm talking about. 

I hate that when I go to the store, and I see that all of the best fruits and vegetables are so ungodly expensive, making it nearly impossible to buy anything that is remotely healthy.  Yet, if we go to say, McDonald's, they have burgers and fries and enormous sodas for $.99.  I hate that it's damn near impossible to make a healthy meal without spending an arm and a leg. 

Anyhow, I think that's enough of a rant for now, I have to get going... I am getting on the treadmill for another 30 minutes today.  I would like to think that I will be thinner very soon, but, I don't know about that... it's funny, in my own sense of greed, I will do any number of Feng Shui things to help increase the energy of money so that it flows to me... yet, when it comes to me losing the weight that I know that I have to get off of me, I have a super hard time with it.  I suppose if losing the weight would bring me infinite amount of money that I could use to help other do better and become more than they are, I would be super thin... maybe that's the real challenge... hmmm..... interesting... 

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