Thursday, March 12, 2015

The changes in ourselves

The last few weeks, I have been doing a video series on YouTube about becoming a better you.  I have this all lined out in my head and aside from saying um too much, I am thinking they are not as bad as I think.  I'm actually pretty pleased with them.  And what makes me laugh is that when I do them, I am not in the best of moods. 

I am a firm believer in, in order to change the world, we must change ourselves first.  We have to be the change that we want to see in the world.  To do that, we have to become better versions of ourselves. 

The question then becomes how do I become the best me possible.  As much as we overthink this kind of thing, it's really not as hard or as bad as one would think.  I love how much I know that I have the power to change the way my life is.  I have the power to become the best me.  I am the one who is making the choices and I am the one who can make better ones. 

So how do you become a better person?  For me, it's taken a lot of time and energy, reading, learning and experiencing all facets of life.  I have read many books on it, and I have put into practice those ideas expressed in such books.  I am a big fan of Linda West, Doreen Virtue, and Louise Hay.  I have studied Bob Proctor, Joe Vitale and Matthew Dixon's books.  I love what they have to say about us as humans and how we really do create our life with out thoughts.

I have started to put out a video series on YouTube on Becoming a Better You.  In the first video, I talked about how, often times in life, if we are dissatisfied with our current situation, we have the power to change it by, cleaning it out.  Just as you would clean out your closet if you wanted to get new clothes, you have to be willing to part with items that are something of a comforting nature in order to make room for things that are bigger better brighter.  The second video I talked about learning to love the person that you are right now.  Not six months from now when you loose so much weight or become a great well know author.  No, loving yourself right now.  This very moment and accepting the way that you are right now.  Know that if you don't life what you see, then you have two choices.  Make a change or accept it and move onto something else.  In the third video I talked about finding your passion and yourself.  Whatever it is that you have passion for, get out and do it.  Stop wishing that you could (fill in the blank here)...... and get up and do it.  Time waits for no one and there are a few things that you won't ever get back, time is one of them.  Spend it doing something that makes you feel alive.  It's what you wake up thinking about wanting to do.  (For the sake of the internet, I did say that it should be in reason and legal). In today's video, I wanted to tell you a little bit about me.  What I like, where I'm at, what I do.  I have started to do a fun fact so you get to know little quirks about me as well. 

I have to admit, I am really enjoying doing these videos.  I tend to hate the way that I look in them, so as soon as I am done, I delete the video from my phone so I don't set and criticize everything about it, like, I tend to stare into space and say um too much and things like that.  I hope that you all like it, it's a really cool thing for me... Until next time, have a great day. Peace...

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