Monday, September 15, 2014

The new place and all that

So, we have been at our new place for a little over a month now.  It's not that bad.  Not at all.  In fact, it's my parents house, and I'm in my own room with my stuff... not a lot of my stuff, but enough to get by.  I had ordered a new workout program, into the fourth week of it now, which I am finding that I love this one so much.  I love the increased flexibility, and the fact that I don't hurt when I get out of bed in the morning is a huge bonus.  I am losing weight too, so that's a good thing for me too. 

I have been on Facebook a lot more than what I like, and while I would love to just disconnect like I continually threaten to do, I don't see that happening.  I have been called names on there lately, not directly, but, indirectly and I wanted to clear some things up for you all about this. 

For one, I don't watch the news and what I do watch, I mostly wish that I hadn't.  There is a lot of violence, there are stories about death, and all sorts of things going on in the world that I just don't want to see.  I know it's important to know what's going on in the world, but, the news just brings too much bad energy into my home I think. 

As for what's going on in the news... There have been riots and all kinds of horrible things going on in different places in our country and it makes me so sad.  I have been called racist recently and it was because I posted something on Facebook about a young child, less than two, who was shot in the face by a young man who was robbing his mother.  This mother wasn't trying to hurt the young man, she just wanted to get out of the situation alive I imagine.  But, it was never on the news, and it wasn't covered by national television.  There is no high powered civil rights advocate trying to win justice for this child who was killed so brutally and needlessly.  I was told to delete myself because, in this scenario, the child was white, as was his mother and the assailant was black.  There are a lot of reason to hate a person but I don't hate anyone based on the colour of their skin.  In fact, that makes no difference to me.  What makes me upset is the fact that when I pointed this out, I was called all sorts of names.  Now, I admit, I did not check the accuracy of the statement of what I posted... I have a bad habit of it, but, either way, it wasn't trying to promote hate and discontent.  I was trying to show that violence is not concerned with the colour of a persons skin, if someone is hateful, then anyone not like them will be hated.  Doesn't matter what colour, religion, gender, sexual orientation you are, hate is hate.  What I was saying with it was how sad that the media will make a huge deal out of a young man who was violent and was killed into some kind of national emergency.  It shouldn't be that way.  There should be justice for all people in this country, no matter what happens.  Am I angry that Al Sharpton isn't going to be able to fight for justice for this small child, who was killed, yes.  I am angry that cops are shooting any kind of unarmed kids, yes.  Do I think that there is stereo typing in our country, absolutely.  But, that doesn't mean that I want it that way.  Just because it is that way, doesn't make it right.  I want everyone who kills to be tried and convicted just like everyone else does, but, I don't think that the media turning it into a national circus is the way to go about it.  I was pretty upset by the whole thing, thinking that I was trying to promote hate and anger when what I tend to put out there is love and peace and being kind to others, so this was something that really hurt.  Do I think it's upsetting to know that someone I love and think of highly thinks this way, of course.  But I will let it go, and know that it's her loss, not mine.  I am sad to think of it that way though. 

I had also thought that I was being called a person who was flippant with words, and luckily, it turns out that not everyone someone else says is about me.  Thank goodness for that one.  I was pretty self centered in that one.  Guess it was just me reading too much into what I had said, and what their reply was.  I'm not that all powerful, and I'm glad about that. 

Today, I am trying to not be sick.  I hate being sick and I hate feeling like I am trying to fight it.  I can feel the fever trying to take over and I know that I need to get home and into bed.  I cannot miss class tomorrow.  Not in an accelerated class I can't.  I would just lose too much time.  Time that I would need to do other things.  I am going home early today, to work out, and go to bed.  I had two cancelled appointments today, so it's all good.  Just hope that I will see them later this week.  I am looking forward to my workout though.  It's called Sweat.  Guess what I will be doing?  Anyhow, I think I have run out of things to say for now, so until I can finish the other entry I am working on, I will write more later... Peace, Love, Happiness...

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